TTLabs Hi-Fi listening room is one of our first listening rooms in Hanoi. With experience in handling high-precision control rooms in the studio, we have successfully applied and modified the method to balance the needs of listeners rather than engineers.

Although the maximum budget is not large enough and the natural volume of the room is not satisfactory given the reproducible frequency range of the stereo speaker system in use, we think we have succeeded beyond our expectations based on the results of acoustic measurements.

General information

Objective Feedback

One of the most positive feedback from the owner of the room is the Bass: deep, solid, compact, full. The worry that the soundproofing room will lose the bass has disappeared. When you listen to music in TTLabs’ listening room, you will feel the extremely sharp, balanced and harmonious sound of 3 bands Bass, Mid, High. Even the smallest sound details such as reverb tail, delay, small sound effects… are clearly described.

Services provided