Guava Studio is Ha Dong’s first high-end studio to meet European reference room specifications designed and built by iSS Acoustics. With a relatively small footprint (~22 m2) compared to a traditional multi-tasking studio, we recommend an All-In-One studio design to help ensure the highest possible sound quality, good usability, comfortable living and cost-effectiveness.

The room is planned to be equipped with an in-wall high-end monitor system (M1A Main Monitor and L12 Subwoofer) of DYNAMIK Professional in phase 2.


After more than 1 month of meticulous construction in every detail, the room was completed. Right after the quantitative specification measurement session ended, the studio owner – Mr. Nguyen Duy Anh – was very pleased because the results accurately reflected what he and the iSS Acoustics technical team felt when listening to the samples. reference music files in the room.

The sound is extremely accurate, the bass is compact, the response of the entire system, and the sustaining time of the frequencies from 20-20,000 Hz are very balanced. This helps the quality of the monitor as well as the quality of the recording, the mix is ​​exposed more accurately. Vocals, the instrument recorded here have a very clean, full sound and eat the mix without much editing effort. Therefore, significantly saving Mr. Duy Anh’s post-processing time.


Project information