Touliver and Toc Tien are two great artists who have been loved by many audiences in Vietnam for a long time. ISS Acoustics is honored to be entrusted by Touliver to design and build his dream studio after many years of waiting in 2019. The studio is located in the basement of a luxurious and classy villa of the couple. young. With a desirable area for many musicians in Vietnam (35m2 is only for the composer area) and ideal proportions, Touliver hopes this will be a place to help him get more creative inspiration and environment. high quality work to launch more products in the future.


Touliver asked us to design a room with realistic sound, comfortable working, with natural light. The budget for the room is limited due to the construction and interior of the villa taking up a large part as well as generating a lot. Therefore, we must choose the most reasonable solutions possible to balance the above factors. Of course, the sound is still first.

Solutions by ISS Acoustics

With a limited budget and high requirements for Touliver’s sound quality and usability, we chose the design plan that gives the highest priority to high-end audio systems with low handling capabilities. -frequency  and mid-range around his mixing position. Sub-systems in the room are used to control reverb time as well as flutter echo of the mid-range and high-frequency.

The reasonable layout of the position and configuration of the walls, the sound absorption ceiling helps the room have very good performance in all 3 frequency ranges (Low, Mid, High), ensuring the fidelity of the monitor and the natural, comfortable when working, living in the room.

The area overlooking the garden is preserved as the original architecture of the building to have as much natural light as possible. When working, to ensure better accuracy at high-frequency (avoid bouncing back from large sliding glass doors), Touliver can use a specially designed and selected material selection mobile curtain. by ISS Acoustics. Not all blinds have the same effect on sound! 😉


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